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Silicone matrices 4,9mm - one pair - new cell geometry with small cell wall rudiments - special foundation size - 428mm x 230mm - reserved fpr Jesús
Silicone matrices 4,80mm - one pair - new cell geometry with small cell wall rudiments - foundation size selectable - click here
Silicone matrices 5,10 mm - one pair - new cell geometry with small cell wall rudiments - reserved
gluing set with which you can stick the matrices bombproof on aluminum or similar materials.
to attach to the matrices
Silicone matrices 4,9mm - one pair - new cell geometry with small cell wall rudiments - special foundation size - 395mm x 295mm - reserved for Markus
Silikonmatrizen 4,9mm - eine Ersatzmatrize reserviert für Helmut
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artificial combs 4,9mm 7,20 €
Gluing set 39,00 €
Silicone side parts 24,50 €
artificial combs 4,9mm for MiniPlus hives 6,20 €
Silicone matrices 5,1mm - new cell geometry 122,00 €
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