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ideal for beekeepers who are not so skilled in crafts Alternative to self-construction of a silicone mold, self separating silicone, removal of the wax foundations very easy, Here we offer the silicone matrices. The rolling device is offered on this page. choose the cell size here below! for all countries and the spanish peninsula without taxes
ideal for beekeepers who are not so skilled in crafts Alternative to self-construction of a silicone mold, self separating silicone, removal of the wax foundations very easy, Here we offer the silicone rollers. The silicone matrices are offered on this page. for all countries and the spanish peninsula without taxes
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artificial combs 4,9mm 7,20 €
Gluing set 39,00 €
Silicone side parts 24,50 €
artificial combs 4,9mm for MiniPlus hives 6,20 €
Silicone matrices 5,1mm - new cell geometry 122,00 €
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