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Silicone matrices 4,9mm - one pair - new cell geometry with small cell wall rudiments - foundation size selectable - select here
gluing set with which you can stick the matrices bombproof on aluminum or similar materials.
to attach to the matrices
Artificial combs for easy accomodation of the bees to small cells - cell size 4,9mmdetails:10 cells measure between 48.8 and 49mm.Cell wall height: 2mmCell wall thickness: 0.5mmSize of artificial comb: 40,7cm x 19,3cm x 0,45cm3 rhombs on the bottom of the cells, like in natural bee cellsColor: yellowcoated with wax for better acceptance individually made...
NEW!!! for MiniPlus hivesArtificial combs for easy accomodation of the bees to small cells - cell size 4,9mmdetails:10 cells measure between 48.8 and 49mm.Size of artificial comb: 24,9cm (21,8cm) x 15,9cm - comb distance: 32mmtherefore 7 artificial combs fit into a MIniPlus boxColor: yellowcoated with wax for better acceptance individually made by hand
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artificial combs 4,9mm 7,20 €
Gluing set 39,00 €
Silicone side parts 24,50 €
artificial combs 4,9mm for MiniPlus hives 6,20 €
Silicone matrices 5,1mm - new cell geometry 122,00 €
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