well finally – the long-awaited book by Dee Lusby

Biological Beekeeping – The Way Back,…copyright 1991 – 2016 by Ed and Dee Lusby.

Now the book is out and appears on Amazon worldwide:




Dee Lusby wrote:
This is to let you know that the book been trying to formally publish for decades is now done for teaching clean organic beekeeping, that can be used for workshops, clubs teaching, schools, universities, colleges, and beekeepers in general.

And this book is what I have been going over for decades now on my various discussion group lists, while being told to prove it. Well here it is now done with references. So now is time to buy and read for a deep formal learning experience for keeping bees in alignment with Nature again, and what she has gone thru…

Dee Lubsy – mother of organic beekeeping

Michael Bush got it done for me and should be ready shortly for buying/ordering. With luck it will be available at the upcoming 2 – 4 March 2018 ………11th annual Organic Beekeepers Conference in Oracle, Arizona with him bringing first available copies for getting. Other then that it will be avail within 6 to 8 weeks for buying on Amazon, Barnes & Nobel, and others, if not sooner.

So more and more the conference is coming together…So come on out to Arizona for a great weekend.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author.
ISBN: 978-161476-104-4
* Star Publishing Company
Nehawka, NE 68413 USA
659 pages
113 illustrations
12 pt typeface

Dee A. Lusby
List owner
Commercial beekeeper